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Computers - Intermediate Excel 2016
with Melissa Ray
Intermediate Excel 2016
Topics covered: Work with specialized, logical, date, time, and text functions. Work with ranges. Sort and filter data. Query data with database functions. Outline and subtotal data. Create and modify tables. Apply intermediate and advanced conditional formatting. Create, modify, and format charts. Use advanced chart features. Create a PivotTable. Filter data using timelines and slicers.
Date: March 18, 20, 25, 27, 2025
Schedule: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Shasta College Downtown Redding Health Sciences Campus, 1400 Market Street, Room: 8111
Facilitator: Melissa Ray
Fee: $155, includes a thick student handbook that you take with you as an ongoing guide for future reference.
IMPORTANT registration deadline: please register by March 01, 2025
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Computers - Beginning Word 2016
with Melissa Ray

Beginning Word 2016
The job market is already incredibly competitive. And as the number of graduates increases yearly, it grows even more competitive. So to succeed in your career field, you need the computer skills to appeal to employers. By learning Word 2016 you add so much value to yourself as an employee. The great news is that developing valuable computer skills in this area can be easy. With Beginning Word you can learn to navigate this program and even expand your knowledge to progress in your current role.
Topics covered: Create, edit, save, and print documents. Manage and customize workspace. Format text and paragraphs. Use bulleted and numbered lists. Apply borders and shading. Align text using tabs. Sort and format lists. Insert, modify, and format tables. Insert symbols, special characters, and images. Add page borders, headers, footers, and watermarks. Check spelling and grammar.
Date: April 1, 3, 8, 10 2025
Schedule: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location: Shasta College Downtown Redding Campus, Room: 8111
Facilitator: Melissa Ray
Fee: $155, includes a thick student handbook that you take with you as an ongoing guide for future reference.
IMPORTANT registration deadline: please register by March 11, 2025
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Incident Safety Awareness for Hired Vendors
with Greg McFadden

Incident Safety Awareness for Hired Vendors
Description: This course provides an awareness of fireline and incident safety to hired vendors who plan to engage in wildland fire suppression and other incident support activities. It includes an overview of hazards and safety issues, entrapment avoidance, incident organization, how to recognize and mitigate risk, maintain safe work practices while working under an agency supervision, fire shelter deployment, and case studies.
Designed For: Hired vendors working with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) or the United States Forest Service (USFS) on any active incident, including water tender operators, heavy equipment drivers or operators, crew bus drivers, vehicles with a driver, mechanics, fallers, and swampers.
Authority: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) and United State Forest Service (USFS) agreements
Standard: State Fire Training (SFT) requires every student to attend the entire course, participate in classroom and group discussions, complete and pass all activities, and complete an oral evaluation.
March 15, 2025
April 05, 2025
May 17, 2025
June 21, 2025
July 19, 2025
Time: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Shasta College Main Campus, 11555 Old Oregon Trail, Redding, 5000 Building Room 5006
Fee: $225 (includes $75 SFM Diploma)
Facilitator: Greg McFadden
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Effective Nonprofit Fundraising and Grant Writing
with Bob Reich

Effective Nonprofit Fundraising and Grant Writing
Whether you are asking for organizational contributions, selling school fundraising items, putting on an event, or other requests, is asking for and bringing in funds to support your organization or program a challenge? You are not alone. You don’t have to apologize when asking for support and contributions for your organization. In this course you will learn techniques to bring in funds and resources for your project or organization. This workshop is valuable for staff, Boards, volunteers, and anyone who is involved with raising funds for your nonprofit organization.
Date: April 8, 15, 22, 2025
Schedule: 3-Tuesdays, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Facilitator: Bob Reich
Fee: $110
Note: instructor will email the Zoom link to all participants prior to the start of class.
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Note: the instructor will email the Zoom link to participants prior to the start of class.
SBDC - Small Business AI Series - Introduction to AI - 1/3
with SBDC

Small Business AI Series - Introduction to AI - 1/3
Join us for an engaging introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover how this revolutionary technology can benefit your small business. During this webinar, SBDC business advisor Zack Barton will explain the basics of AI and provide tips for using essential AI tools, as well as provide examples of real-world applications and starting points for incorporating AI into your business. No technical background required – just bring your curiosity and willingness to learn.
Note: The local SBDC has partnered with Shasta College to bring a series of professional development courses. These courses are beneficial to anyone with a small business or those looking to start a small business. Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and grants with the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 72 hours in advance of this event; please send an email with the subject header ACCOMMODATION REQUEST to Shasta-Cascade SBDC,, (530)222-8323
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2025
Time: 2:00pm- 3:00pm
Fee: $40.00
Location: 1401 California St. Redding, CA 96003 Floor 2 Room 9205
Facilitator: Zack Barton
NOTE: This class is hybrid zoom class with a remote instructor
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American Heart CPR, First Aid, AED
with Korey Conry

American Heart CPR, First Aid, AED
CPR, First Aid, and AED is important to a community because it helps outfit individuals with life-saving skills that can be used in emergency situations, often used before professional medical help arrives. Immediate intervention, such as performing CPR or using an AED during a cardiac arrest, can increase the chances of survival and hopefully recovery. These skills give a community member a way to act confidently during accidents, injuries, or sudden health crises, having a safer and more resilient environment.
Two Year Certification Included
Date: Session 1 - Friday, February 14, 2025
Session 2 - Friday, April 11, 2025
Time: 8:00am- 12:00pm
Fee: $75 (Regular price $150.00. Reduced pricing brought to you by Strong Workforce Program funding)
Location: 11555 Old Oregon Trl. Redding, CA 96003 Room 781
Facilitator: Korey Conry
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Notary Public Certification
with Tracy Boyum, Masters Notary Academy

6- Hour CA Notary Public Course and Exam
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and professional skills necessary to become a proficient California notary public and prepare for the State’s examination.
In addition, this course will satisfy the California State’s mandatory education requirement of reviewing notary laws and practices for current notary public professionals seeking reappointment. The successful applicant will become a more valuable employee or be able to start his/her own community business.
California State Proctors will administer the Notary Examination at the end of the class.
IMPORTANT: Class starts promptly at 8:00am. Please check in at the door prior to 8:00. Due to the mandated time to be in class, students who arrive after 8:30 will NOT be admitted, no exceptions. No refunds will be granted.
- 8:30-3:30 Class
- 8-8:30 Check-in/photos for application
- 10:30-10:40am break
- 12:00pm- 12:40pm lunch
- 2:00pm- 2:10pm break
- 3:30-4:30 Check-in for Exam
- 4:30-5:30 State Exam
Facilitator: Tracy Boyum, Masters Notary Academy
Location: Shasta College Redding Main Campus, Building 1600, Room 1632
Fee: $125 (includes materials)
PLEASE NOTE: There will be appropriate breaks throughout the day as well as a (no-host) lunch break. The college cafeteria will not be open. Participants may bring a cooler with beverages and food. There are also a few cafes located not too far from the college.
Date: Session 1 - Friday, January 31, 2025
Session 2 - Friday April 11, 2025
State Proctored Notary Exam: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
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Certified Flagger Training Course
with Korey Conry

Certified Flagger Training Course
Learn how to be a safe and effective flagger with ATSSA’s certified flagger training courses. Understand why proper flagger operations are important and learn the standard skillset of a good flagger. Apply and identify standard work zone flagger control references and learn standard flagger practices for various situations.
Date(s): Session 1 - Saturday, February 15, 2025
Session 2 - Saturday, April 12, 2025
Time: 8:00am- 12:00pm
Fee: $75 (Regular fee $150.00. Reduced pricing brought to you by Strong Workforce Program funding)
Location: 11555 Old Oregon Trl. Redding, CA 96003 Room 1102
Facilitator: Korey Conry
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