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Effective Nonprofit Fundraising and Grant Writing
with Bob Reich

Effective Nonprofit Fundraising and Grant Writing
Whether you are asking for organizational contributions, selling school fundraising items, putting on an event, or other requests, is asking for and bringing in funds to support your organization or program a challenge? You are not alone. You don’t have to apologize when asking for support and contributions for your organization. In this course you will learn techniques to bring in funds and resources for your project or organization. This workshop is valuable for staff, Boards, volunteers, and anyone who is involved with raising funds for your nonprofit organization.
Date: April 8, 15, 22, 2025
Schedule: 3-Tuesdays, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Facilitator: Bob Reich
Fee: $110
Note: instructor will email the Zoom link to all participants prior to the start of class.
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Note: the instructor will email the Zoom link to participants prior to the start of class.
SBDC - Small Business AI Series - Introduction to AI - 1/3
with SBDC

Small Business AI Series - Introduction to AI - 1/3
Join us for an engaging introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and discover how this revolutionary technology can benefit your small business. During this webinar, SBDC business advisor Zack Barton will explain the basics of AI and provide tips for using essential AI tools, as well as provide examples of real-world applications and starting points for incorporating AI into your business. No technical background required – just bring your curiosity and willingness to learn.
Note: The local SBDC has partnered with Shasta College to bring a series of professional development courses. These courses are beneficial to anyone with a small business or those looking to start a small business. Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and grants with the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 72 hours in advance of this event; please send an email with the subject header ACCOMMODATION REQUEST to Shasta-Cascade SBDC,, (530)222-8323
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2025
Time: 2:00pm- 3:00pm
Fee: $40.00
Location: 1401 California St. Redding, CA 96003 Floor 2 Room 9205
Facilitator: Zack Barton
NOTE: This class is hybrid zoom class with a remote instructor
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SBDC - Small Business AI Series - AI for Brand Identity - 2/3
with SBDC

Small Business AI Series - AI for Brand Identity - 2/3
Discover how AI can help you uncover and amplify your authentic brand voice. In this webinar, SBDC business advisor Zack Barton will explore practical techniques for using AI to define your brand identity and craft consistent messaging. Whether you're starting fresh or refining your existing brand, this free training will help you develop a stronger, more authentic brand presence while saving time and maintaining consistency across all platforms. Join us to discover how AI can amplify your brand's authentic voice.
Note: The local SBDC has partnered with Shasta College to bring a series of professional development courses. These courses are beneficial to anyone with a small business or those looking to start a small business. Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and grants with the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 72 hours in advance of this event; please send an email with the subject header ACCOMMODATION REQUEST to Shasta-Cascade SBDC,, (530)222-8323
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2025
Time: 2:00pm- 3:00pm
Fee: $40.00
Location: 1401 California St. Redding, CA 96003 Floor 2 Room 9205
Facilitator: Zack Barton
NOTE: This class is hybrid zoom class with a remote instructor
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SBDC - Small Business AI Series - AI and Content Creation - 3/3
with SBDC

Small Business AI Series - AI and Content Creation - 3/3
Transform your digital presence with the power of AI. Join SBDC business advisor Zack Barton for this webinar on leveraging artificial intelligence for content creation. Learn practical strategies for using AI to build engaging websites, create compelling social media posts, and design eye-catching marketing materials. This free training session will demonstrate how to harness AI tools for generating images, videos, and written content that resonates with your target audience. Whether you're looking to enhance your business's online presence or streamline your content creation process, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to confidently incorporate AI into your content strategy.
Note: The local SBDC has partnered with Shasta College to bring a series of professional development courses. These courses are beneficial to anyone with a small business or those looking to start a small business. Funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, and grants with the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA or the California Office of the Small Business Advocate. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least 72 hours in advance of this event; please send an email with the subject header ACCOMMODATION REQUEST to Shasta-Cascade SBDC,, (530)222-8323
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2025
Time: 2:00pm- 3:00pm
Fee: $40.00
Location: 1401 California St. Redding, CA 96003 Floor 2 Room 9205
Facilitator: Zack Barton
NOTE: This class is hybrid zoom class with a remote instructor
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SFT Ethical Leadership for Instructors
with Shawn Tukua

SFT Ethical Leadership for Instructors
Description: This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to identify the value of ethical behavior in instructional settings, describe how ethical norms influence individual ethics, identify a personal ethical perspective and core values and how they impact communication and ethical decision making, and make an ethical decision using an ethical decision-making model, in order to assist in making ethical decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in an instructional setting and carry out the roles and responsibilities of an SFT instructor in an ethical manner.
Designed For: Individuals who wish to teach State Fire Training courses as a registered instructor and anyone interested in pursuing ethical behavior in an instructional setting.
Authority: Office of the State Fire Marshal
Standard: Attend all class sessions and complete all activities and assignments.
Total Hours: 8
Dates: May 6 & 7, 2025
Schedule: Tuesday and Wednesday, 6:00pm-10:00pm
Instructor: Shawn Tukua
Location: Online / Synchronous
Fee: $200
Introduction to Medical Terminology
with LeeAnne Krusemark

Introduction to Medical Terminology
Medical terminology is the first step to any career in the medical field or simply to understand your family’s medical visits. No prior experience is necessary. This highly specialized language involves word building with root words, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations. You will leave with a solid foundation of medical language, as well as basic medical billing and coding terminology. After submitting and passing the open-book exam included in the workbook you receive in class, you will earn a Certificate of Completion. This comprehensive course is taught by longtime educator LeeAnne Krusemark, and Credentialed Medical Professional Vanessa Grinnell, RRT. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
Date(s): Session 1 - March 03, 2025 - Monday
Session 2 - July 09, 2025 - Wednesday
Schedule: 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: LeeAnne Krusemark
Fee: $70
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Be a Better Writer: 10 Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing Now
with LeeAnne Krusemark

Be a Better Writer: 10 Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing Now
We write everyday: emails, social media posts, work projects, and even non-fiction or creative writing. Improving is just a matter of knowing some simple tricks to make your writing more impactful and readable, and may help get you a promotion at work or avoid rejection from a publisher. In this hands-on session, there will be writing/editing examples and exercises so you can see in real time how to make sentences flow properly while still maintaining reader interest, and you will leave with a workbook full of writing tips and tricks, which is included in the class fee. The instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a nationwide Professor of Publishing at higher learning institutions, including Harvard Adult Education. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
Date(s): Session 1 - March 01, 2025 - Saturday
Session 2 - July 10, 2025 - Thursday
Schedule: Saturday, 1:00pm- 4:00pm
Thursday, 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: LeeAnne Krusemark
Fee: $50
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Introduction to Journaling: A Beginner’s Guide
with LeeAnne Krusemark

Introduction to Journaling: A Beginner’s Guide
Journaling is simply recording your thoughts, feelings, and insights in a written, drawn, or typed format. It can be done on paper or on a computer, and it's a low-cost way to improve your mental health. Journaling can help you reduce stress, improve your self-awareness, as well as prioritize problems, fears, and concerns, and provide an opportunity for positive self-talk. You’ll learn how to start journaling (even when you don’t know what to write), the 10 most popular types of journaling, how to kick-start self-reflection and self-discovery, and track your progress and personal growth. The instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a nationwide Professor of Publishing at higher learning institutions, including Harvard Adult Education. Informative handouts for future use are included in the class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class.
Date(s): Session 1 - March 6th, 2025 - Thursday
Session 2 - July 22, 2025 - Tuesday
Schedule: Session 1 - Thursday - 2:00pm- 4:00pm
Session 2 - Tuesday 1:00pm- 3:00pm
Location: Zoom
Facilitator: LeeAnne Krusemark
Fee: $50
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